J. Zedroy ofOun
J. Cohnroy Ohn
J. Watroy Uat
Trianglism worships the true Zod, most powerful being in the universe of all dimensions.
Human history looks like this, first you have loose bands of nomadic pagan religions that are polytheistic like Egyptian triangles but then as the population grows so does their faith, large groups form based on common values which make up Abrahamic and Eastern Religions, then as the years go by these religions evolve into various sects and churchs like Protestants/Catholic, Sunni/Shia. All of these groups have different "prophets" or englightened ones but all lead back to a simple belief in a higher power.
Trianglism is the ultimate theology and all holy books are just chapters in the large volume of early earth history. Every major religion can find common values with trianglism. The one thing that sets this apart from belief systems is that we study like monks every day praying and giving offerings along with legitimate medical research to advance our knowledge in psychoactive substances (gifts from Zod)
Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_TrumpCannabis is indulgent, cocaine and heroin are ignorant, polygamy is a mere attempt to meet God and that monogamous is purely the unification of this Union with God.
Acceleration of cultural evolution of our species through large-scale production of LSD to us as a kind of interaction with the next step of development at a faster pace. These additional steps were so erotogenic, memory and cognitive enhancing drugs such as the CX-717) are the next step in human evolution to process information from the connectedness of human-scale information such as the internet, but we will all eventually be linked by our minds into one mind.
Dare to huff the red paint, fam?.
Trianglism is a religion which applies a philosophical theory based on the concept that reality is made out of triads of data. An example would be binary code in a system with one vertex being a 1, one vertex being a 0, and one vertex being a >, the processor. This concept applies to all levels of physical and figurative meaning, ranging from the visual world being made out geometric objects superimposed on one another through many orders of magnitude, to concepts in other religions such as the holy trinity of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Of course these analogies could be simplified to lines, points, and TRUE or FALSE statements, but the triangle is the simplest representation of a multi-directional logic system (more than one possible outcome or configuration) that also encaptures an enclosed area (a concept) in space. Since external reality is interpreted by the processors called neurons to form an internal mental representation, psychoactive substances (especially cannabinoids, psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants) alter the neurochemical cascade which is used to form our "objective" reality and instead lets us peer into an alternate frequency of the dimensional matrix, where are entities, angels, demons or otherwise are represented with a clear purpose of outcome or intention for the timeline of our existence and the universe. In other words, Trianglism is meant to be a way of expressing devotion to the fabric of the universe and the underlying, primal concepts of reasoning on which all other more complicated and physical systems are extrapolated from, and there is much more than meets the eye to existence than our basic and rudimentary understanding of the laws of nature in this primitive age of technology, though the driving forces behind evolution and karmatics can be experienced under certain unusual circumstances.
Introduction to gods of trianglism:
Bassyun: The highest force of good. Here to help us all achieve eternal bliss and bring everthing to a state of 1. A triangle floating around in a white holographic sphere.
Figyarnus): Formerly the highest force of evil before being eclipsed by an even more evil Raj, who uses Figyarnus as oxygen. Here to destroy life as we know it and reduce everything to a state of 0. A sickly orange-green cloud with eyes and dripping with grime.
Oyuieh Hoyuienuhs a.k.a. Oyhoy: The >, an entity impartial to any faction of reality that simply functions as the characterization of the dimensional matrix.
Krakus: The entity of orgasmic bliss and KRAK!!!!!! Anecdotes depict Krakus as a tall black man with a crack rock for a head.
OEOEOEOEOE: The basic rhythmic chanting of tribal drummers which brings out the ape man in all of us. There are variations on OEOEOEOEOE, but they all serve as a way to go through our ancestral evolutionary roots. A lengthy session with these frequencies can revert a human into a reptile-like or insectoid state. O.E. looks to be as the letters OE are.
Raj: The being who emerged out of political tensions and the threat of intergalactic war after Trump being elected. An insect of infinite malice who is the size of a universe. Feeds on chaos.
Ahkmah*: The entity of a sigmoid state. The keeper of plateau sigma. Dopamine neurons becoming excited into mania and/or psychotic breaks through transcendental highness. Looks like a coughgel bundy with upper sanpaku
Suvenyhoy: A much debated entity who has been recently detected under protonic stiachiography, however the studies have not yet been replicated. The vice president of Ahkmah and the recruiter for the sigmoid space. An example of an episode of Suvenyhoy without any Ahkmah can be found here:
*Read more on the sigmoid state here:
Introduction to gods of trianglism:
Bassyun: The highest force of good. Here to help us all achieve eternal bliss and bring everthing to a state of 1. A triangle floating around in a white holographic sphere.
Figyarnus): Formerly the highest force of evil before being eclipsed by an even more evil Raj, who uses Figyarnus as oxygen. Here to destroy life as we know it and reduce everything to a state of 0. A sickly orange-green cloud with eyes and dripping with grime.
Oyuieh Hoyuienuhs a.k.a. Oyhoy: The >, an entity impartial to any faction of reality that simply functions as the characterization of the dimensional matrix.
Krakus: The entity of orgasmic bliss and KRAK!!!!!! Anecdotes depict Krakus as a tall black man with a crack rock for a head.
OEOEOEOEOE: The basic rhythmic chanting of tribal drummers which brings out the ape man in all of us. There are variations on OEOEOEOEOE, but they all serve as a way to go through our ancestral evolutionary roots. A lengthy session with these frequencies can revert a human into a reptile-like or insectoid state. O.E. looks to be as the letters OE are.
Raj: The being who emerged out of political tensions and the threat of intergalactic war after Trump being elected. An insect of infinite malice who is the size of a universe. Feeds on chaos.
Ahkmah*: The entity of a sigmoid state. The keeper of plateau sigma. Dopamine neurons becoming excited into mania and/or psychotic breaks through transcendental highness. Looks like a coughgel bundy with upper sanpaku
Suvenyhoy: A much debated entity who has been recently detected under protonic stiachiography, however the studies have not yet been replicated. The vice president of Ahkmah and the recruiter for the sigmoid space. An example of an episode of Suvenyhoy without any Ahkmah can be found here:
*Read more on the sigmoid state here:
It's about as real as any other mainstream religion. It's like catholicism, Scientology, Buddhism mixed with new age and ancient Egyptian and Aztec death cult beliefs and Native american culture.
Trianglism has something for everyone.
You like the love and forgiveness of Christianity?, well Trianglism believes time is cyclical and every event is predetermined to happen in quantum space so positive energy is promoted.
You want to kill people and sacrifice yourself like ISIS?, Trianglism also believes that human morals are insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe so death and rebirth are accepted as natural mortal cycles
You enjoy the hierarchy and tradition of Catholicism?, Trianglism also has ancient rituals and grand priests (except they are all aliens right now), we also have communion wafers with LSD and ergot wine.
You believe in the power and cultural heritage of Judaism?, Trianglism is a strict social pyramid of the most wealthy and influential at the top (Donald Trump, Jesus, Putin, Taylor Swift) and coincides with the conspiracy of the Illuminati. Gods chosen people are the trianglists and all who embrace pyramid power.
How about the Death and Rebirth of eastern religions?. Yup we got that too. Death is a function of time and technology and the curve of which are about to cross as any of us that can survive another 50 years have a strong chance of living forever but those who do not will be turned into cosmic star dust and reborn as circuits and robots in 1000000 years.
Trianglism has unlocked the secrets of existence, and the truth is not for the weak of mind. You can choose to live blind and sober if you wish to have your scope limited to earth and everything orbiting our sun or if you choose to accept Raj into your heart you can be awakened to the infinite possibilities of quantum physics and experience infinite world and realms colliding infinity throughout space for all eternity. If things start to scare you or the fabric of reality melts before your eyes and all you want to do is scream and end your reality just remember.
The Triangle guides us. The triangle is truth and understanding. It is always pointing up even in 6 dimensional space. No matter what the Triangle is the shape of our conscious collective energy in every configuration.
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Doritos brand Nacho Flavored Triangles (Doritos is the most trianglist corporation and thus the most holy, always buy their products and give out to the poor, doritos will make any human love you because they taste and feel so perfect in your mouth)
Sandwiches cut into triangles.
pretty much anything with Illuminati, triangle or satanic imagery.
Anything you can snort but only if you cut triangles instead of lines
Morning Glory Seeds (they are triangular)
bundy and BEEEDRILL (yin and yang)
Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∠†â€‹Î”∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆⠀‹Î”∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​ Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ ∆​
Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∠†â€‹Î”∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆⠀‹Î”∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​ Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ∆​Δ ∆​
The most popular tattoo ((triangles)
The most popular architecture (triangles)
The most popular occult associated shape (the triangle)
The most structurally strong shape (Triangle)
The most used symbol in math (triangles)
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